#Article (Archive)

ICT is important but...

Apr 3, 2013, 11:11 AM

The use of ICT as a tool for economic growth and poverty reduction is a multi-dimension challenge, including socio-economic, political, institutional and technical aspects. Its contribution to economic competitiveness and growth is one of its most expected and obvious outcomes.

ICT is attracting considerable share of investments, producing jobs, and increasing Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It is also an important source of tax revenue. The increased economic role of ICT in Africa will signal declining dependence on commodity exports and prices. It will also signal a strengthened role of knowledge and skills in job-creation, entrepreneurship and economic growth.

ICT stands to shape a very broad range of human activities, ranging from social relations within the family, to civil society, government service, catastrophe readiness, functioning of markets, and to innovation, efficiency and productivity in manufacturing and business.

The impact of the sector can be examined directly, through its contributions to output, employment or development, among others. ICT associated innovation has been one of the central factors shaping industrial organisation across economies globally and carries heavy implication for job creation.

Innovation in new ICT technologies also boosts creative destruction, the competitive process that gives birth to new firms and industries and signals the demise of incumbent ones. ICT has profound impact on individual, community and social levels.

While impact on consumption patterns and decisions is most evident, ICT shapes deeply all types of social and economic behaviours, such as learning, level of entrepreneurial spirit, social and economic relations, etc.

Moreover, national and continental adoption of ICT facilitates trade and regional integration.

A well-structured ICT is the backbone that will enable organisations to deliver services effectively and efficiently, thus helping people reach more people and ultimately do more things.

With ICT you can among other things raise organisation’s profile, keep abreast of current developments and legislations,  manage and organise information more easily and accurately monitor one’s finances.  It also saves costs and allows staff to work remotely and flexibly.

Despite its numerous benefits, no doubt ICT also has its side effects, especially when abused by it users. Criminals also use the internet to perpetuate crime, while young children are also exposed to very bad sites that are purposely meant for adults.

With these and other side effects one can conclude that ICT is not only useful, but create a big challenge for the 21st Century.

We urge the internet café operators to also help in their own ways, by stopping children under the age of 18 from browsing indecent sites.

Children should concentrate on their education instead of watching unhealthy sites.