#Article (Archive)

GNOC bureau will not succumb to sports unionism

Sep 6, 2010, 5:07 PM

(Friday 3 September 2010 Issue)
Following the recent formation of a National Union of Sporting Associations headed by Musa Koteh, which demanded an extra-ordinary congress of the GNOC, the Gambia National Olympic Committee has reacted with a strong statement.

Below is the full text of the release:

"True, the GNOC bureau has been without a functional president since July 2009 and the constitution has in article X11.2 given clear guidance on a temporary replacement pending an election in the subsequent annual General Assembly. To this end, the 1st vice president has since taken over the constitutional responsibilities of the President. Similarly, the abrupt resignation of the Secretary General has been temporarily filled as required in the respective article 11.2 of the constitution. What really then is the fuss!!! Why are people forming camps, highly geared with misdirected agitation and hostility towards the present administration. The GNOC has not opened up or call for nomination despite publicizing the vacant position of the president. This responsibility cannot and would not be dictated by anyone and any group for that matter. The GNOC shall for all intents and purposes continue to operate as an independent and autonomous body in accordance with the Olympic Charter and the Laws of the Gambia. It would be beyond absolute reproach that a group, supposedly the newly established union of national sports associations, would take upon itself to convene and conduct the General Congress of the GNOC. Under whose authority is this being propagated? The GNOC does not recognize a national sports union, especially of the caliber that is seemingly and unnecessarily brewing. By the same token, the IOC does not recognize such groups, particularly under the pretext of exercising good governance. Beyond this, the operations of the GNOC are smooth sailing, but ashamedly being distorted by few individuals. The general sports fraternity and particularly the GNOC affiliates are strongly urged to apply patience and due diligence while the necessary arrangements are being made to convene the congress of the GNOC."