Churches fond of helping others have been seen in the help given to Glory Baptist Basse by Glory Baptist at Old Jeshwang. The help comes at the time of need. The help was in the form of money for the purpose of erecting their own church. The head pastor of the church said it was their annual routine. Abdourahman Sallah spoke with all parties involved and filed in this report from Basse.
A nine-man delegation from the GloryBaptistChurch at Old Jeshwang recently took the delegation led by their head pastor Donko and his wife. Their visit was directed to the Glory Baptist set up in Basse in the Upper River Region as part of their annual routine.
Glory Baptist as part of their humanitarian gesture to set up their new church structure at Basse give D10, 000 for their project, including rice, sugar and more were giving to the Church.
The president of the Women's ministry, Grace Benson said the gift was to assist their brethren and forster strong ties and unity among them. "This will help you have a change of heart towards one another that leads to Godliness as instructed by Jesus Christ our Lord," she said. She further urged the beneficiaries to make best use or the items and use4 the fund for its intended purpose. In receiving the gift and donated cash the church secretary, Dominic Amoako and Brother Eric Asiedu expressed appreciation over the laudable gesture, adding, "We are all brethren and we should see ourselves as one people despite the different nationalities. We may come from," she said.
Dominic Amoako commended the Glory Baptist in Kombo, for Church their timely intervention.
The host Pastor, Martin Aidoo also hailed the Glory Baptist of Kombo and said, "They are not only concerned about the spiritual aspect but also their moral and material way of life,"
The delegation from Glory Baptist Kombo were taken on a conducted tour to ascertain for themselves the need the BasseChurch has. The Hope Glory Baptist in Basse managed to start working on the bricks so as to have others coming to their aid to erect the house of God for God's children. They noted that the gesture was in place and was also a pointer for others to come on board. "The need for a church building is eminent and our congregation would increase if there is a money to build the new edifice for worship. As in other areas, churches stand as a symbol of the love of God to man giving hope and love to the lot in their own way.
The Glory Baptist Church has was visited by Pastor and Mrs. Donko, Pastor and Mrs Benson, president, Deaconess Kaddy Massaquoi, Deaconess Elizabeth Koroma, Mrs. Catherine Thompson, Melinda Bosso, Evangelist Anna Jarju, Sister Grace Abban and Evangelist A. Okon, Evangelism leader.