#Article (Archive)

Girl, 18, seeks urgent overseas treatment

Oct 25, 2019, 1:32 PM | Article By: Sanna Jallow

(Wednesday 23rd October 2019 Issue)

Mbossey Faye, an 18-year-old girl, who is suffering from Rheumatic Heart Disease, is currently seeking assistance for overseas treatment.

Faye attended different hospitals including Westfield Clinic, Medical Research Council ( MRC) and Manipaln Hospital.    

She was first seen at OPD in March 2015, when she was presented with history of easy fatigue, dyspnea on exertion and orthopnoea. She had a history of recurrent sore throat and painful swallowing.

A medical report from MRC, indicated that Mbossey echo showed RHD with sever mitral and aortic incompetence, moderate tricuspid incompetence, impaired RV, normal LV systolic function and elevated pulmonary artery systolic function 44mmhg.

A recent abdominal ultrasound scan also shows ascites dilated veins, right kidney impairment. She is on the following medications furosemide 60mg OD, spironolactone 25mg OD, Enalapril 5mg OD Bisorprolol 1.25mg and penicillin V500mg BD.

At West field Clinic, she was diagnosed as Rheumatic heart Disease and has been in-and-out of hospitals since then and admitted on number of occasions due to decompensating, despite being regular on medication.

On examination, the young girl was not in distress, not pleas or edematous normal vital signs, as cardiovascular examination revealed regular pulse and full.

Respiratory examination revealed bilateral fine basal crepitations and her egg showed sinus rhythm with RBBB, chest x-ray showed cardiomegaly and her recent echocardiography showed all chambers dilated, impaired RV, normal LV systolic function EF 55%.

Her medical report, therefore recommends for her to undergo overseas treatment for cardiologist and further investigation.

 Anyone, willing to help the young girl can contact; 7953302/3126869/7361770.