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UK Based Gambian Cries Foul Over New Rules

Sep 26, 2008, 5:55 AM

Following the introduction of a new system for assessing highly skilled migrants wishing to go and work in the UK, an act considered by many as high-handed and smacks of a backlash on Africans, one Morro Sankareh, a Gambian based in the UK has called on all Gambians and Africans in the Diaspora to return back home and work for the development of the African continent.

"After four hundred years of colonialism, they robbed us of our belongings, took our ancestors to work for them to make Europe what it is now and today they have nothing to pay us than to treat us like slaves in their countries", explained Mr. Sankareh, who walked in to our offices yesterday afternoon.

According to Mr. Sankareh, having stayed for many years in Europe especially the UK, most Gambians and even Africans have no respect from the European system after working and contributing to the European society for long period.

Europe, which most African have for years looked forward to as the only solution has over the years registered an influx of Africans most of whom attribute their extreme decision to the inability of their respective countries to, provide jobs, or when they could, the remuneration is not comparable to those in Europe.

"That is not the case, as Africans and Gambians for that matter, we should stay in our country and work for the socio-economic development of our country. Yes people say that there is nothing in Africa but if we all come together as one, then Africa will be where Europe is today", he added.

As explained by Mr. Sankareh, life is so terrible in Europe now that the authorities there make Africans criminals when they are not. "You have a small problem they try to make it a big one. They can stop you at any moment and finger print you just to make you a criminal and at they end of they day, you are deported".

He added, "Every now and then, they talk about democracy but all that is happening in Europe and other parts of the world today is nothing but human abuse".

For Mr. Sankareh, Africans should not look at what their respective countries have done for them but they should look at what they have done towards the development of their countries and the continent in general.

"Africa too has a lot of potentials and one should therefore be steadfast. The search for greener pastures or what ever they call it should not be pursued as a matter of life and death. Let us as Africans put our hands together for the development of our continent", he averred.

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