#Article (Archive)

Zimba Murder Trial Deferred

Sep 24, 2008, 8:47 AM | Article By: Malamin Conteh

The murder trial involving the four 'Zimbas' namely Muhammed Faal, Alieu Faal, Dodou Jawla and Ebrima Sanyang, could not proceed on 22ndSeptember 2008, at the Bundung Magistrates' court, before Magistrate Kumba Sillah Camara.

When the case was called, the prosecuting officer ASP Camara, applied for an adjournment on the ground that the case file was still with Attorney General's Chambers for legal advice and they could not lay hands on it, and both counsel for the accused persons were absent from court, Magistrate Kumba Sillah told the prosecutor that the accused persons were presumed innocent until proven guilty, and the charge against the accused persons is not bailable so therefore the prosecutor should put his house in order so that the case can proceed.

It could be recalled that the accused persons are standing trial for allegedly murdering one Ebrima Morro Ndure, at Bundung Mauritania on 26 July 2008. They denied the charge. At that juncture the case was adjourned sine die.

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