#Article (Archive)

GEPADG Gives a Final Warning

Jun 16, 2008, 5:18 AM | Article By: By Alieu Jabang

The Gunjur Environmental Protection and Development Group (GEPADG) has issued a final warning to bush destroyers. Speaking in an interview with The Point at his offices, the Executive Director of GEPADG Mr. Alieu Badara Njie Balo- alias Base 5 - said the "Bolang Fenyo" is a protected site of about 320 acres of land that stretches one mile out to sea. "This place is highly protected and filled with many species of plants and animals. We will not allow anybody to destroy this superb nature reserve," he said. He continued saying, "This is the only community nature reserve in The Gambia approved and recognised by the Department of State for Forestry and Environment on the 25thof March this year."

Mr. Bajo stressed that he would not spare anybody found engaged in the following activities felling trees, hunting, sand mining or setting bush fires. Anybody found engaged in such activities will be brought to justice according to him.

In conclusion, while urging the people of the area to act as watchdogs, he said, "My staff and I have worked very hard to ensure that future generations can enjoy the benefits of this noble venture and no Tom, Dick o Harry will interfere with that."