The Gambia Methodist Academy last Friday held its 23rd annual speech day and prize giving ceremony.
The event, held at the school ground in Bakau, was attended by supporters of the school, board members and parents.
In her report, the principal of the school, Mrs. Hannah Harding, revealed that the student enrolment of the school stands at 683 pupils, 55% of which are girls. According to her, 109 candidates sat to the May/June 2007 West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE). 24 disciplines of the school recorded 100% credit passes. Only maths and chemistry had below 50% credit pass.
In the GABECE examination She reported that junior students did equally well. The school she added registered 101 students nine of whom have the best aggregate six and 32 of them range between 6 and 12, 79 of them had 24 or better.
On extra curricular activities she said the school has participated in Bible Weekly Competition, Essay Competition for Grade 12, the Global Vote. Recently one of their students named Yassin Nyang participated in sub regional conference on children and youth in Ethiopia.
She thanked all those who contributed to the success of the school.
Ms Min Whee Kang UNICEF Country Representative, who served as the guest speaker on the occasion, described education as vital to help open eyes and minds. UNICEF, she added, believes that there is no more essential foundation for human development than education for children. She urged students to become the champions of peace, truth and wisdom as enshrined in their school motto.