In a global world where we touch each other and interact in a spec of time, marriage between Alex Edgbim also known as Sir Larry, and Michelle Rosaline Mendy comes as a blessing when they wed at the Anglican Church at Serrekunda. This attracted hundreds of friends and family members. After feeling strong about their relationship they both answered 'yes' in unison for the better or worst. Sir Larry who comes from Nigeria has lived in The Gambia for sometime where he met his life long partner both of who are seasoned teachers and are well respected. Read along and see what the feeling of the people and themselves were at the wedding where Nigerians and Gambians met to exchange love to its highest degree.
People from all walks of life including teachers, businessmen, house makers, tailors, policemen, very good friends and Education Secretaries were present to praise God for their friends.
Rev. Fr. Jacob Cole, the officiating clergy from the Anglican Mission, in his sermon said, "Rosaline take care of Alex, share your Butut and Dalasis together, plan together and endevour together. Friends and well wishers should give you time in your marriage. Nothing in this world is owned by you, have patient with each other. The striking thing about the vow is this, listen and stick together for better or for worst, don't desert one another." He further said that when days are rough they should stand strong, when the wave is rough wait don't swim. "Life, Alex and Rosaline is like the tidal wave, swim when it is not rough. Swim together when the tide is good. Remember there is no perfect marriage, people only try. Do not copy from any marriage, live your marriage." He said. Christ, he said has ordained and beautified marriage, so that it can be ratified. "Seek God first everyday of your life, so that you will succeed and be a shinning example, in the name of the father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen." Fr. Cole said.
Deacon Emma Molah, the main sponsor of the wedding between Micky and Lex, said there is no place like home. He said there is no need going to search for a woman far away when you have her near you. There is no place like home. "This intermarriage is to strengthen our love, that's what is happening now. The love between The Gambia and Nigeria is gaining strength day by day. There is no difference marrying in Nigeria or here, he found love and peace of mind."
Deacon further said that the mixture of Gambian and Nigeria is wonderful. "We sang the two anthems, meaning we are heading somewhere." He said. In his advice, Deacon said, "The two are teachers, I am their sponsors, our brother should love his wife and our sister should obey the husband. Most importantly, the love of Christ, peace and love will reign in their family."
Marie Mendy, the Accountant at the Catholic Education Secretariat, in answering how she sees a Manjago wedding a Nigerian for better or for worse, she says, "There is no difference we are all Africans. They are both Christians and God has ordained it so, that this day they would wed. It is great!"
Sir Larry, the man of the moment said, "I never expected it this way but all the same I thank God Almighty. It is done once in ones life time, knowing very well that it is an international marriage, it is not easy for a Nigerian to fall in love and marry and I have done it, I thank God the Almighty. Life goes on after this, there are so many plans and we plan ahead to do so many things. I cannot say where I will do the things I have planned to do but I will leave it in God's hands. I would want to thank all my Gambian friends, Nigerian friends and those who came without me extending an invitation to them. I thank all of you for being part of my day. May God bless you and them all, amen."
Abraham Jatta, the MC of the occasion who is a Nigerian but given a Gambian name said White men have invented a lot of things including aeroplane but blacks have invented late 'coming.' He said their previous mother and the High Commissioner to The Gambia, Madam Muhamed (MMM), had said "Every good woman must get a husband." He dismissed the notion that Nigerians deal in drug and said they are just hard working. He recounted the way he suffered and how others suffer before they stand strong like real men.