According to his medical report, Muhammad suffers from bradycardia, congenital, heart block and congenital heart disease ASD. The report further states that reported with staphylococcal skin injection and had brady-cardia 52-60bpm and systolic murmur.
"He was born normal but developed boils on his head after 6days of birth. He weights 2.6kg, he is pink, (at 19 days old) not cyanosed p52-60bpm, RR 42 Grade iii systolic murmur loudest upper left sternal edge and there is no other congenital abnormality" states the RVTH medical report.
The parents of the little Muhammad are seeking for assistance from philantrophists and organisations to come to the aid of their son.Those who may wish to support Muhammad can contact the parents on 9832103 or 9946607 or via email amdyfaal@yahoo.com