#Article (Archive)

Female Farmers Capacitised on Rice Agronomy and Aqua Fish Culture

Nov 5, 2008, 5:33 AM | Article By: Abdou Rahma Sallah in CRR

50 female farmers recently ended a four-day capacity building workshop on rice and aquaculture at PacharrVillage in Lower Fulladu West District in Central River Region South.

The Workshop, which was organised by the Farmer Managed Rice Irrigation Project, was funded by the African Development Bank (ADB)

Speaking at the workshop, the principal fisheries officer, Mr. Nfamara Darboe, stressed the importance of the workshop. He added that the workshop centered on rice agronomy, gender issues and rice-fish aquaculture. He further asserted that the objectives of the capacity building was to prepare the farmers in the intervention areas, Pacharr and Sambel Kunda; noting that this will help for the widespread adoption of rice-fish culture. This is done with s view to enabling farmers to carry out production processes in rice and fish culture.

Mr. Darboe further pointed out that the training will increase skills, techniques and knowledge of the farmers in the area of rice fish culture. He added that if farmers are trained on rice agronomy and rice fish culture it will go a long way towards improving rice and fish production and productivity in the intervention areas. He then urged them to make best use of the knowledge and skills gathered during the course of the four-day training workshop and implored them to disseminate the information to those who were not fortunate enough to attend the workshop.

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